速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Kohala Burger & Taco

Kohala Burger & Taco



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Kohala Burger & Taco(圖1)-速報App

Hawaii's Best Burgers and Fresh Fish Tacos. Located in the Kawaihae Shopping Center, Big Island Hawaii. Featuring100% Hawaii Grass Fed Beef, Local Line Caught Fresh Fish,Fresh Baked Buns, Island made Tortillas, Milk Shakes and authentic Dole Pineapple Whip, Children's Menu.Dine in or carry out or order online!Great Pit Stop on your drive North. We have easy parking, restrooms and A/C. Quick, easy, fun and friendly. Chef owned and operated come and relax in our nostalgic diner atmosphere.

Kohala Burger & Taco(圖2)-速報App

Kohala Burger & Taco(圖3)-速報App
